• I live about an hour and a half away from this tragedy, and our news is telling us nothing right now. Thank you for this.

  • They were all from the same family.

  • It always amazes me when people, even trained, educated people who should know better, are surprised when gun violence or any type of violence that happens in suburban or wealthier areas are surprised when it occurs. EVIL knows no social level, race, financial, etc. because ALL humans are capable of EVIL and MAYHEM. Btw, I doubt if either presidential will make a statement about this incident because they occur so frequently, and people are probably not paying much attention to this latest one. Btw, my sympathies to the victims loved ones, and I hope the murdered is found and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. JUSTICE must be served.

  • Typical lefty news making it all about the gun and not the person. And why does it matter if Trump owns a gun or not? That has no bearing on anything.

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