• The cANCer is how S.A rotted

  • 50% Won’t make the Audit…All Govt Officials, must be Subjected with a Audit…Like Home Affairs etc…Corruption must be Rooted OUT….👀

  • Sorry Mr Mbeki sir. The corruption is so widespread and insidious, the entire ANC including those who remain silent are at fault.

  • Iam sure ANC greedy cadres are thinking that hes mad 😂🤣😂😂

  • Are you not tired of eating? Retire or else you will collapse

  • Too little to late Mr Mbeki😢 I’m enjoying GNU not comrades alone in government

  • With this renewal thing the ANC risk remaining with 200 members😂😂😂

  • Thabo Mbeki blows a lot of hot air.

  • Mnxim akunanyani wena Tata sukaaaaaa

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