• Hello

  • Ratha the pretoria court mafia

  • Ratha is both the investigator,ballistic expert,analyst and a judge at the same time.Where is justice at this court?According to Ratha,Baloyi is a blue eyed boy.This is a judiciary mockery at its best.The sooner we change this Roman Dutch law the better

  • Makuyilelicala libuhlungu Mani ngoba amanga wodwa ko Baloyi no Gininda

  • Theory assists you in understanding a phenomenon not to solve a problem

  • It’s not about who kill Senzo , It’s painful for Meyiwa’s family so many witnesses.

  • Nkulunkulu ngenelela kobu tsotsu ziveze Bawo

  • All this guy’s, with the exception of Ntanzi are serving sentences for killing, yet it is difficult foe you mense to believe that they killed Senzo. Even with Evidence before you,you still blind to see it. 3,4,5 are in Cmax, dangerous criminals but you believe them over evidence.

  • I am not surprised most of you are saying it’s theory, it’s always like that when you don’t understand or follow what is being said. Ask the 5 advocates representing your beloved killers,they don’t understand anything said here. They’ll come with different theories. Advocate Baloyi is very learned, understand even Ballistic evidence very well. This 5 will regret asking this 3 Ballistic expects to come

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