• Just think. That R490m could have fed thousands of starving children, filled thousands of potholes, piped clean water to many residents, built foundations for hospitals and schools and worked towards a clean bill of health for EC municipalities. It didn’t go that way. It got stuffed into the money-grubbing pockets of people who service people who get paid to corrupt social order and Rule of law. South Africa is so broken systemically. Everyone does it, so it’s okay. By the way, that R490 million came from the remnant of taxpayers who still pay their way. Just how far adrift are we from the table that Nelson Mandela laid out for the people of South Africa. May today’s ANC live their shame.

  • Finally government is standing up to this case, truely horrible what this man did with those kids

  • He was collaborating with officials

  • Mmmm.

  • How far our countrey has fallen

  • Only 497 million 😂😂😂 it a drop in the ocean😂😂😂

  • It happened under his party’s rule.

  • Hayi ngeke stay away from envying other people. You never know where their wealth comes from. Someone could have said “they are attoneys and their proffession makes a lot of money” kanti……

  • Well done carte Blanche.

  • Yho yho engaka maani😢😲

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