• All the cool drinks tastes like shit with the sweeteners in it. Dumb ass government .

  • People must stop eating sugar.

  • Dream on !!!
    Domkop John Steenhuisen just doubled his pay package…
    The Coalition needs Maaaanie !!!!

  • We want to buy the factory

  • So basically it’s working in reducing sugar consumption and they struggling to externalize produce?

    I mean they can reduce or remove the tax BUT sugar content on food items would have to be regulated directly to have same impact(health/arrest rise in diabetes which is a growing trend and cost for gov). Now good luck on that regulation body with many products.. I suspect this way(per food item) is more costly to administer and doesn’t offer relief (cost recovery) to existing problem (health costs) either.

    This would be like tobacco farmers and manufacturers asking for the same thing.

  • Obesity became worse since sugar tax was imlpemented

  • Keep pushing for this tax to be abolished. This ANC government taxes absolutely everything!!!!They don’t feel the pain as they earn fat cat salaries!!!!

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