• Don’t involve other parties please, that was a big failure from ANC hence GNU 😮😊😅

  • Disasters

  • 348 abandoned buildings in cape Town and the previous ANC government was unaware of this.These corrupt people were too busy buying expensive mansions,motor vehicles,while the multitude that voted for them have no drinkable water,lights and proper toilets.Please don’t harass the GNU as they are now fixing the mess that you have caused.

  • I’ve always said we have failed to maintain what we already have we have become like fast fashion buy and buy but never respect and maintain

  • On the right road GNU. ANC just collected salaries for 30 years and never did a day’s work. They nevet nevet cared and could have sold these properties or renovated thrm and turnedbthem inyo flats for rentals. Lazy useless and careless ANC, never nevet vote for them ever

  • The house is too big some rooms you dont clean

  • Can I help….I know a few of them in Johannesburg

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