• Keep the peace kids,for you do not even know all you have in peace until peace is gone. Jesus preached peace for a reason. ❤❤❤

  • Did the npa a minister of education come

  • blame the black ANC government

  • It’s hard to navigate a solution to these types of issues. Most parents don’t even have the time of day or the energy to engage with their children after a hard day’s work. Most kids are left to their own devices. And that’s a problem within itself. Family engagement is important.

    Parents aren’t around to witness what their kids are up to when they’re at school. Simplest solutions are to have more security measures on school premises such as security guards, hallway cameras and metal detectors.

    Surely the government can spare a few millions on keeping pupils and educators safe, out of the BILLIONS they receive for their annual budgets.

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