• Don’t take eastern cape people serious today there was Bi election and again they voted ANC😅these 1ns are mental upstairs


  • Ask people of Dimbaza how did they vote during elections time whether this year ones or the previous ones.

  • We blame the ANC

  • To late to complain wen time to vote you choose the wrong parties that’s why we are in this condition..

  • I grew up in the TBVC States at Ciskei under LL Sebe, we had Shilo irrigation scheme, we had Dimbaza factories, Fort Jackson as well as Da Gama, Sebe built Dimbaza, Litha, Phakamisa, Bisho and we rejoice when he was removed by Oupa Gqozo thinking things will be 10x better that it was from Gqozo to ANC we saw the fall of EC, now EC is the poorest province of them all, schools still using pit toilet everything is going bad every year. Towns have no working traffic lights, roads are decaying but our people still choose to vote ANC

  • The ANC will never respect the people of EC. Pity this is such a beautiful province will unlimited potential, but listen to the arrogance of the officials here. They wont take any responsibility for anything.

  • The cutting edge Province still gonna cry…. they voted for the criminals

  • Ngena e toilet after ibisetyenziswe ngu mnumzana wo mntu omnyama. What you will find there tells you everything about why we are where we are as a country and what to expect in the future.

  • They did it to them selfs by voting for ANC so they must suffer

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